Addressing Climate Change through International Law

Understanding International Climate Change Law

In the fight against the escalating effects of climate change, the role of international law in addressing climate change is cardinal and cannot be overstressed. International law plays an integral role in mitigating the impacts of climate change by anchoring well-framed policies, and setting the stage for climate justice. However, the efficacy of international law largely depends on state compliance and enforcement mechanisms, underscoring the importance of the rule of law and political will.

International Climate Change Law emanates from world treaties such as the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It governs processes such as the measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the establishment of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through which countries enumerate their commitments to reducing emissions and addressing the impacts of climate change. read more

Economic Consequences of Climate Change

The economic impacts of climate change are increasingly becoming a stark reality in our world today. As the planet warms, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events increase, and the effects of such changes are far-reaching. Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Adapting to a Warming World projects that the costs related to dealing with the climate change impacts will be immense.

Costs Related to Climate Change

The costs of adapting to climate change are projected to increase exponentially. By the end of the century, researchers estimate that these costs will be several times higher than current levels, depending on the trajectory of global warming. Due to climate change impacts felt in various sectors, the cost implications are undeniably high, affecting economic activities ranging from agriculture, health, and infrastructure development to tourism and manufacturing sectors. read more